AWS Cloud Project Bootcamp – Week 4: Unofficial Homework Guide


Week 3 was a tough one. Working with AWS Cognito and implementing decentralized authentication within the Cruddur application code was fairly time consuming. I’m personally a bit behind as I had a lot of my plate last week. To those who are keeping up, I salute you!

Week 4 will be working with relational databases. This will mainly be working with PostgreSQL and Amazon RDS. Based on the course outline, we’ll be setting up Postgres locally and provisioning an RDS instance, as well as writing a number of SQL queries.

This article is intended to help direct you to all of the resources you should review as you go through the homework assignments. I will not be going through step-by-step how to complete the homework, as the methods will differ for each member, and it’s up to you to complete the assignments. I may post some tips or recommended steps if there are frequent questions or difficulties mentioned, and only if I have time during the week after completing my own homework.

Disclaimer: I am not part of the bootcamp planning or management team – I’m just a participant like you! Nothing I publish should be considered official. Be sure to refer to the official documents whenever possible, as things are frequently being added and changed.

Before You Start

Be sure you’ve completed all the required homework steps for Week 3. Each week builds off the previous one, so you need to have all the tasks finished to progress. If you’re not sure of what needs to be done, check the Student Portal > Submissions > Week 3 page and review the tasks. You can also check out my previous Week 3 – Unofficial Homework Guide article for more details.

Week 4 Viewing Material

Required Homework Details

For this week, there are a number of tasks related to Postgres and Amazon RDS. Please refer to the Student Portal for the most up to date task list. I will update this article as needed, if additional tasks are added.

  • Create RDS Postgres Instance
  • Bash scripting for common database actions
  • Install Postgres driver in backend application
  • Connect Gitpod to RDS instance
  • Create AWS Cognito trigger to insert user into database
  • Create new activities with a database insert

Stretch Homework Details

From the course outline, there are currently no stretch tasks suggested. That means you’re free to create your own stretch tasks, which you can perform and document.

Additional Resources




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